Days 30 – 60
When you start selling your dropship products and making money, there can be a temptation to enjoy the profit your making; but you'll see more benefit in the long run if you reinvest it in your business. You could place larger orders with your dropshipping suppliers, have the goods delivered to you and then ship them out as you sell them.You'll get better margins this way, and you'll avoid one of the main dropshipping problems of your supplier being out of stock of the items you're selling. Spend money on improving your website to help convert more new customers, or marketing efforts to get your existing customers to come back and buy again.
You might even invest in some paid for advertising, like Google Adwords, to get more visitors to your site.
Up to 90 Days
Once you've got your dropshipping business up and running and invested in its growth, don't just sit back and enjoy your success – rinse and repeat. Product sourcing research, and seeing what the best drop ship directories can offer, should be an ongoing part of your dropshipping business. This way, when you've developed one market, you have the skills and experience to go and develop others too, and really grow your business.Starting any new business, especially if it's going to be a successful one, is a challenge. If it was easy, more people would be doing it. Most of your effort needs to be applied at the beginning to set up your dropshipping business; and if you get the product sourcing research right, and choose a good drop ship directory for your suppliers, you should get off to a good start.
Whatever happens, and however hard it might get at times, the key to success, is never giving up. As long as you know the kind of challenges you are going to face with your new enterprise, are prepared to spend time on your product sourcing research, and know how to choose a good drop ship directory, you should keep any mistakes to a minimum, building a solid foundation for your dropshipping business.
Part 1: Launch Your
First Online Store
First Online Store
Part 2: What Happens
After 30 Days?
After 30 Days?
Part 3:
Why most Businesses Die After 90